By recognizing that a family is the core institution from which almost all perceptions, values, perspectives and ethics are formed for those who are part of it, one confirms its importance in an individuals functioning. Familial issues most often manifest themselves as disagreements with a strong component of asymmetry in power. By participating in family therapy, all of its members, regardless of age or gender may be enabled and empowered to cope with the dysfunctionality of the family unit. The goal of the South Florida Psychological Group active in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and covering Weston, FL and Boca Raton, FL, is to ensure, through the dedicated application of family therapy, higher quality of family life by evaluating what is the core of the family dysfunctionality. The benefits of a family therapy approach are to secure reestablishment of harmony within the affected family and a start of renewed positive experience for all members who were affected by the by the once-existing problems.
South Florida Psychological Group active in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and covering Weston, FL and Boca Raton, FL, provides family therapy as a practice that helps to reconstruct healthy relationships in a family, and to solidify it after thorough examination of the cause of problems. The clinicians at South Florida Psychological Group recognize the web of interactions between adult and child members, which helps in approaching the family as a unit, not by exclusion, but by emphasizing of each member ‘s individuality.
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Cognitive behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, individual psychological treatment, and family therapy.
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